10 Years and Counting

10-year-term-life-insuranceToday is January 1, 2017 and I am reminded that it was 10 years ago this month that the Lord led me into a new season of life. Up until January of 2007, I had spent virtually my entire adult life working at Moody Radio. I was 22 years old when I started at Moody and those years were filled with tremendous experiences that I would not trade for anything. Of course, it wasn’t all sweetness and light– it had it’s difficulties and challenges– but together with the good things it all added up to a rich, rewarding time.  Indeed, I thought I might spend my whole life there. But God had a different (and altogether better) plan.

So, in January of 2007 I launched the ministry called Wayne Shepherd Communications, not knowing exactly how we were going to make it. I had a few assignments that had developed on the side even when I was at Moody and it started with those. I won’t go into great detail, but those were (and ARE) close and trusted friends who came alongside and gave me meaningful things to do which got us started. Many more have been added since.

I recall one friend’s guiding advice at the outset. He said something like, “You’ll find yourself doing some projects you never dreamed of, and at the same time, you’ll find yourself NOT doing some things you think are certain.” And he was a prophet. That exactly describes what has happened.

Now as I look back on these 10 years, I am extremely grateful for the ministry I’ve been given of helping people and organizations achieve their goals of producing good radio programs and many other audio productions. Today, I am doing far more of what I love to do than ever before and it has led to many, many rich relationships. It’s because God moved in my life to push me out of my comfort zone and into the place he wanted me.

Proverbs 16:9 has never meant more to me than it does now, “A man’s heart plans his way,
But the LORD directs his steps.”
