As a kid, I use to lay in bed at night with a transistor radio and earphone (yes, just one mono earphone in those days) and listen to radio stations. My favorite was WJR in Detroit and one or two other stations that featured great talk shows. I could only dream that someday I would get on the other side of the mic and be the host of shows like the ones I listened to lying in bed in a rural farmhouse.
Now, looking back over several decades of hosting shows on Christian radio stations from coast to coast and beyond, it still amazes me that I have the privilege of doing what I do.
For almost 4 years now, we’ve been producing FIRST PERSON, a weekly interview show which has the simple formula of people telling their story of God working in and through them. I happened to look at the list of programs today in the archive and saw that there have been over 200 FIRST PERSON interviews to date.
From the beginning we have placed those conversations on the website in the audio archive where you can stream any program online. You can also use the smartphone app Stitcher to listen each week.
What you may not know is that FIRST PERSON is also available as a weekly podcast on iTunes. You can subscribe at no cost and have each week’s program downloaded automatically to your device. You can choose 1 or all 200 shows to download and take with you anywhere you go. Subscribe via iTunes here.
Let me know how you choose to listen to FIRST PERSON– and whether you prefer to listen in just one ear, or two.
While I have traveled in Eastern Europe and Russia, I have never visited Ukraine. However, I have many Ukrainian friends and my heart aches for their country which seems to be on the verge of civil war spurred on by Russia. I also have many Russian friends and this puts everyone in a very difficult, but prayerful situation.
I work closely with two wonderful organizations which are deeply involved in ministry in both Russia and Ukraine, Peter Deyneka Russian Ministries (which despite its name serves the church in all corners of the former Soviet Union), and Far East Broadcasting Company (FEBC) which has radio stations in both countries. Let me bring you up-to-date with what they tell me about the situation.
First, Victor Akhterov of FEBC writes:
The FEBC station in Slavyansk, Ukraine, was shut down by the rebels two weeks ago. We were told that “this Biblical nonsense in not needed here.” On Sunday, May 4, after the government forces of Ukraine re-captured the tower, FEBC station resumed broadcasting to people who are distressed and scared. Dozens of Slavyansk and Kramatorsk residents lost their lives in recent days. FEBC does not take sides and is staying out of politics altogether, instead bringing hope for people of Ukraine by helping them meet the Lord.
I know your prayers and financial support of FEBC during this crisis would be appreciated. You can give a gift here.
Then, Sergey Rakhuba of Russian Ministries has an urgent appeal for Ukraine:
A couple of years ago, I was privileged to join the Board of the Far East Broadcasting Company. By then, Dr. Robert Bowman had long since retired but I got to meet him on at least two occasions and express my appreciation for his pioneer work in establishing FEBC, starting in 1945. Dr. Bob Bowman was a giant in my mind who never lost his heart desire to “Reach the World for Christ through Radio”. Since joining this ministry, I’ve met many of the men and women who serve Christ today in dozens of countries through FEBC and I have profound respect for their ministry which reaches deep into people’s lives. Dr. Bowman died last week, at nearly 99 years of age. Thank you, Lord, for gifting this man and equipping him for Your service in the Kingdom.
Join Pastor Lutzer, author Eric Metaxas, and moderator Wayne Shepherd for a dialogue about the Church’s role in today’s culture. They’ll discuss the story of the Church in Nazi Germany and how it relates to our witness in today’s post-Christian America.
The conversation will be wide-ranging and powerful, covering such important questions as:
Why was the Church of Germany willing to buy into Hitler’s agenda?
What insights did Bonhoeffer have that the Church needed to hear?
When should a Christian no longer obey the state?
How can we make a difference today by engaging our culture?
How do we develop the courage to go against the tide?
Questions will also be taken from those in attendance. You’ll leave inspired and challenged to examine your own legacy and impact on today’s culture.
This event is free, and everyone is welcome. For those unable to attend in person, the event will be streamed live here. To follow live Tweets: @Media_TMC. To submit questions via Twitter, use #ChurchAndCulture.
PARENTING TODAY’S TEENS (PTT) which I co-host with Mark Gregston will be receiving the 2014 Radio Program of the Year Award at this month’s National Religious Broadcasters (NRB) convention in Nashville. While you hear Mark and myself on the air, there is a great team behind the glass making this show so effective. Our Executive Producer is Roger Kemp who, along with KT Losie and the team at Kemp and Company, plan each show and line up the radio stations who air both the weekly program as well as the daily, 1 minute version. Each program is produced by my good friend and partner Joe Carlson. PTT is sponsored by the Heartlight Ministries Foundation and complements Heartlight Ministries which is a residential counseling program for teens. Working with Mark and the whole team now for several years has been a wonderful experience and we rejoice together that God has blessed us with this year’s award!
By the way, if you are attending this year’s NRB, there will be a reception for PARENTING TODAY’S TEENS on Monday evening. See you there!
It’s been awhile since I mentioned any update here about FIRST PERSON, the interview program I started for radio stations a few years ago. When launched, FIRST PERSON didn’t have a single commitment from any radio station that they would include it in their on-air schedule– not surprising because we had no dollars to pay for any airtime. With my wife’s encouragement, we began anyway believing that it was the Lord who was leading us to start the program. Anything less would have been to reject the Lord’s leading and direction. Today, FIRST PERSON is heard on over 200 radio stations and their extended translators– and we still pay no air time expenses, it is graciously provided by radio ministries who see it as a unique program worthy of their support as it serves their listeners. On our website we’ve recently begun to post a list of radio stations which carry FIRST PERSON each week. Hundreds of listeners visit the website each month to learn more about the people and ministries that are highlighted, or to listen to a past program archived online.
FIRST PERSON is also released as a podcast on iTunes and other podcast portals such as Stitcher, so that it is very easy to subscribe and have the program delivered to your computer or mp3 device automatically.
It would be hard to mention everyone by name who has contributed to the success of FIRST PERSON, but I especially want to thank my good friend and producer, Joe Carlson who has faithfully served, mostly as a volunteer, to bring you FIRST PERSON each week. Dale Davis of Pre-Eminent Media has also been a great help in getting the word out about FIRST PERSON and securing stations. So, a special shout out to these two friends.
Thanks for listening!
Christmas is a season of giving and I’ve recently been a part of some significant radio projects which I feel are worthy of your support.
1. Angel Tree – Started by Chuck Colson and Prison Fellowship, Angel Tree is designed to give gifts at Christmas to the children whose parent(s) are in prison. The gifts are given in the name of the parent so that the child makes the connection with his or her parent. This year, as in the past 2 years, I hosted the syndicated ANGEL TREE RADIO SPECIAL with Prison Fellowship CEO Jim Liske. But in addition to the Angel Tree radio program, I invited Jim to join me on FIRST PERSON so that we could tell his personal story as well as tell the Angel Tree story of love and spiritual connections made possible by your gifts. You’ll be able to hear Jim on FIRST PERSON on Dec. 14, 2013 and afterwards in the audio archive at If you’d like to give to Angel Tree, please click here.
2. Gift Of Hope – My friends at Russian Ministries have conducted Gift Of Hope/Project Hope for several years. Samaritan’s Purse is unable legally to conduct their Christmas gift program in the countries of the former Soviet Union, but by supplying the funds to the local churches, Russian Ministries can equip local believers to provide boxes of gifts and a children’s Bible or Christian material to orphans and other needy children. I featured Project Hope through an interview with Greg Yoder and his daughter, Anatasia, on a recent FIRST PERSON program which you can listen to here. Learn more and give your gift at this website.
3. The Word to the Muslim World – Beyond Christmas, we are wrapping up production of a radio special in association with Open Doors USA to raise money for the printing and distribution of Bibles in predominantly Muslim countries where the church is often persecuted. The phenomena of Muslims seeking Christ continues around the world and we want to provide them with copies of God’s Word. Be listening for this radio special coming to a station near you soon in 2014.
Russian Ministries is taking on an incredible initiative right now to fund the printing and distribution of a special Russian/English edition of The Gospel of John for the upcoming Winter Olympics in Sochi, Russia. These can be printed and handed out for only $1 per copy. In addition to that, a donor has made it possible for every gift to be matched during this special effort! So, for every dollar given, 2 copies of John will be provided. And a network of churches and students of the School Without Walls throughout the countries of the former Soviet Union will be personally be sharing John with not only athletes and fans, but also to many others in major cities.
I wanted to do what I could to help spread the word about this evangelistic effort, so we’ve created a special 26:00 minute radio program featuring both Sergey Rakhuba and Wally Kulakoff of Russian Ministries. In addition to the program, there are spots which radio stations can use to partner with Russian Ministries in providing not only John, but the printed plan of salvation as well. We have the commitment of one group of radio stations who plan to partner with Russian Ministries, and we’d welcome even more stations to join us. Stations can contact me for additional information.
Anyone is welcome to give a gift for The Gospel of John at the winter olympics. Just call 1-888-462-7639, and extension “0” for the operator. Or give online at
If you would like to listen to the Russian Ministries Radio Special, it’s available online by clicking here.
The Most Important Story
Christian Group Achieves Milestones in Print, Apps
and Potential Merger
(Naperville, IL) Syndicated radio host Wayne Shepherd announces the achievements of the ministry group “Most Important Story” as they reach milestones in print distribution, smart phone apps, the launch of the Go Kit!, and now speculation of potential mergers with major ministry partners.
“Most Important Story” is a suite of evangelism resources developed by Dr. David Hunt, owner of Envoy House Publishers, who create and distribute the MIS family of material.
“David and I have been friends for many years and have traveled the world together in a ministry context. I have seen firsthand the effectiveness of these resources and am pleased to have played a small part in David and his team reaching their goals,” says Shepherd. Recently Shepherd recorded Hunt for the “First Person” radio program, which will air August 17th.
The 32-page “Most Important Story” booklet has recently crossed the mark of 91 million copies distributed to children around the world in 118 languages. The booklet was converted into a smart phone app with voices, narration and music and tells the same story of Jesus but in the digital arena. The app is now in English, Spanish, Arabic and Farsi languages, which completes the initial launch. The print and app combine into the Go Kit! for short term missions and children ministry workers who use a tiny projector and display the app on a big screen to a group and then distribute the print books to the onlookers, creating a never seen before experience in evangelism. After months of R&D, the Go Kit! is now launched. These milestones have led Hunt to prayerfully seek the next step for the materials.
The outcome is that this powerhouse of evangelism assets could potentially now be combined with a major partner.
Hunt clarifies, “It will look less like a merger and more like a the greatest expansion of the brand and its distribution since its inception. Having achieved the milestones in print to the only apps like this out there — I am looking for the right person and company/ministry to take these materials exponentially further than we have done. We are looking to partner with someone who has a heart for the children of the world and are committed to evangelism and discipleship using Scripture.”
In addition to the booklets, apps and Go Kit!, the suite of materials also includes a one-of-a-kind New Testament, an illustrated children’s Bible, coloring and activity books which allow a child to “color their way through the Bible” and the Gospel of John. All materials are in multiple languages.
Shepherd summarizes, “Whether a merger or an outright acquisition, The Most Important Story will go on to impact even more children the world over than ever before. David often quotes Ephesians 3:7, ‘By God’s grace and mighty power, I have been given the privilege of serving Him by spreading this Good News.'”
There are never two days quite the same in my world. I enjoy having the opportunity of hosting a number of different radio programs– some daily, and some weekly. Each has it’s own personality and style and I am often “the other guy” on mic with the person (or people) who provide the bulk of the content. It’s a role I’m very comfortable with. Even on my own program, FIRST PERSON, I like to make sure that the guest and their story is front and center– not the interviewer. Although I’ve wanted to be in radio since I was a child (even though I had NO idea what that meant), I agree with the person who said, “We don’t get the life we deserve, but the life God designs”. I never could have dreamed or outlined the direction I would eventually take, but it is very rewarding at this stage of life to be able to say that I love what God has designed and equipped me to do.
In addition to the regular and special radio programs I host, here are some recent audiobook titles which I have voiced:
You’ll Get Through This by Max Lucado. A gifted writer, it always amazes me how simply Max writes, and yet how emotionally powerful it is.
This audiobook was produced by Brilliance Audio in Grand Haven, MI, and recorded in their studios. A very busy shop, I counted a total of 10 recording booths all working simultaneously recording all sorts and genres of titles. Brilliance is part of the Amazon company.
Two other titles that were offshoots of You’ll Get Through This were also recorded, God Will Carry You Through, and God Will Use This For Good.
While I was in the Brilliance studios, we decided to also tackle a short Christmas audiobook by Dr. Billy Graham, titled God’s Blessings At Christmas.
Watch for the release of these audiobooks soon from Brilliance Audio.
Another very enjoyable recent audiobook narration was The Spiritual World of The Hobbit, by James Stuart Bell. Produced for Oasis Audio in my own studio, I had to go deeper than I had ever gone before in the world of J.R.R. Tolkien (yes, he preferred to pronounce his name Tol’keen). Jim Bell and I once worked at Moody Bible Institute at the same time, he at Moody Publishers and me in Moody Radio. This is a very fine book, bringing out the spiritual lessons to be learned from Tolkien’s great book. More information and an audio sample of the book is here.
Finally, a good business book: The Lemonade Stand; What Every Entrepreneur Should Know to Succeed in Starting and Running Any Business. The title and subtitle describes it well. I enjoyed narrating and learning from this book by Ara Bagdasarian and Nick Gustavsson. It’s found at here.