When the radio program, FIRST PERSON, started over 4 years ago, we didn’t know what to expect. We just knew that to do anything less than follow God’s leading to begin would have been disobedient. With no guarantee that we would be heard on any radio station, we launched FIRST PERSON on faith in the Fall of 2010.  I say “we” because Producer Joe Carlson has volunteered countless hours to produce the program, and Dale Davis of Pre-Eminent Media has been a great help as well.

Today, FIRST PERSON is heard on some 240 radio stations and we are very grateful to God for the growth in listenership as we continue to tell stories of transforming lives spiritually and calling people into His service.

Wayne-Shepherd-Banner-Sidebar1Now, a new partner has come alongside FIRST PERSON. My friends at the Far East Broadcasting Company have decided to lend their support to ensure that the program continues on the same path. The mix of guests from all walks of life sharing their stories of life transformation in Christ and describing their calling will continue without any changes.

Please join me in thanking the Far East Broadcasting Company for their generous support! And if you are unfamiliar with FEBC, please take the time to learn more at


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