A recent assignment for me was to travel to Nampa, Idaho and spend some time visiting with and interviewing several members of Mission Aviation Fellowship. I’ve long admired the work of MAF and welcomed the opportunity to see the headquarters and meet some of the people behind this effective and vital global ministry. I was amazed at the scope and size of the operation as I met and visited with several regional directors from around the world. I also had the chance to sit down with MAF President and CEO, John Boyd, and record his story for FIRST PERSON which you can listen to here.
For an overview of MAF’s tremendous service to Christ around the world, check out this video.
Connected with my visit to MAF was the invitation to narrate the story of martyred missionary pilot Nate Saint, an early MAF pilot. The classic book Jungle Pilot tells Nate’s story in detail, but it’s never before been available as an audiobook. Now, you can download a free audio copy of Jungle Pilot by visiting FIRST PERSON here and clicking on the banner offering Jungle Pilot as an audiobook.
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